Alyssa & Steve's Excellent Adventure

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Just a short check-in

In town now after the race...everyone made great time and had wonderful successes. Last night I lead a group stretching session which developed into yoga and meditation. I got to use my meditation bells for the first time officially, so that was really exciting. I've been practicing my yoga pretty reguarly, so it was great to share it with many of the people I'm currently living with.

The Senator for Coromandel visited our group after the race and openned up her house in Wellington to any of us when we're passing through. I shook her hand and said "My name is Alyssa Crouse, and I'm coming through Wellington next week so it's nice to meet you now and I'll see you soon." Don't worry, it wasn't cocky, just confident. This will actually provide free accomodation for 2 nights which is really helping me out a lot for my last 3 weeks of traveling. Like I've been saying, people here are so welcoming and hospitable.

This week has been incredible. We had a bonfire for Halloween and the next day went on a sea kayaking trip to Cathedral Cove. We concluded our night at Hot Rock Beach digging a hole in the sand to access the hot springs in the moonlight. The water felt as if it were practically boiling, well over 60 degrees celcus, I reckon. We had to mix it with cold ocean water and even then we were sitting in a paddling pool only an inch deep with water. It was quite a strange sensation, being freezing cold in a bathing suit at night on a beach while small amounts of hot water coming from beneath the earth are scalding you!

Luckily the next night we had a jacuzi night back up at the Valley, and the next day had a bit of sunbathing in the warm spring sun. I only have 3 working days left here plus a couple of recrecrational days in between, so it's almost felt like a big party lately.

My big N and S island loop begins this upcoming Saturday, so I'm in preparation for that and just enjoying my last bit of time on the Coromandel.



At 10:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great travelog! I am really enjoying the experience of almost being there with you. I am looking forward to more news from Down Under as you progress on your adventure. What a cool opportunity to stay with the senator in Wellington.

Please bring me back some Manuka honey. I'll see you at Donna's. Aho!

At 6:26 AM , Blogger Jd said...

Hi. Can't wait to see your photos from all of these adventures. Safe travels! Jd

At 3:54 PM , Blogger christinaschullcone said...

Hi Alyssa,
Hello! Your journey across NZ sounds amazing and reminds me of my wonderful time there as well. I just typed a ton of stuff, and then when I went to choose my blog identity it deleted it... so I will try to remember and sum up what I wrote.
I am happy to see pictures of you enjoying the native bush and birds, as well as your kyaking and yoga fun. I wish I were there with you!
I have finished up my internship in Colorado and am now home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I've seen Ian for a bit, and am unsure as to where the relationship is going. I'm super ready to get up and travel now, as I do not have a job lined up. I did apply for an internship in Australia which I should hear back about at the end of this month. I also applied for an AmeriCorps ecological restoration position in Portland, Oregon. We'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I hope I can see you when you return. What are your plans for after Christmas?
And one final note, if you're picking up Manuka honey, could you please please please get me one too? I'll pay you for it. Oh, NZ. SO happy that you are getting to experience it and are having a spiritual time there.



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