Alyssa & Steve's Excellent Adventure

Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween...a day earlier for all of you in the Southern Hemisphere

On the occassion of my favorite holiday tonight we are having a big fiesta at the Valley's lower property where 6 residents live. Costume is required, or course, although I haven't decided yet what mine will'll have to wait for the next post for that.

Much has happened since I last connected with the majority of you but it's quite difficult to remember because the quality of time in this environment is dramatically different. Days often times pass relatively quickly while I feel as if I've been here for an eternity. Life "back home' seems almost a distant memory to me, which is good in a way because it indicates that I'm entirely absorbed in my present reality. These sentiments are shared by many of my co-volunteers.

Work has passed on as usual, typically in 4 day blocks. We work from 830 or 9 until 1230. Lunch break lasts until about 2 or 230 and we end the work day until about 5 or 530. Work is always physical labor of some sort although mine recently has began to develop into very repetative tedious tasks like filing down a poorly galvanized mold or digging for the properly sized nails. The past few days my team has been working on a fence around the permanculture mandela garden in the orchard. I really love this work because you can see much progress throughout the work day, and a se4nse of accomplishment is always encouraging. Other projects I've become invovled in are collecting resources for and preparing a stie to build earthbricks (large bricks made from clay and sand that are used to build eco-friendly structures).

I've also been working a lot with the birds here. I never thought I'd be so fond of chickens but they're quite fascinating creatures who eminate a very calming, primitive energy.

This is the first free day in quite a while but we did enjoy a nice natural rock climbing trip for 2 days about 2 hours south of here. the car ride there was hilarious (getting lost for 3 additional hours in the middle of nowhere and almost sleeping 6 in the van...) Arrival at approx. midnight led us to our accomdation- a wool shed, which at 4am revealed our company of a very disturbed sheep.

I've never been climbing on natural rock before so that was an entirely different experience. This particular rock was igneous and very porous and sat in the middle of hundreds of acres of bullfields. The holds here typically holes rather than sticking out like on an indoor rock climbing wall. They did a number on our fingers--cuts, bruises, complete numbness...Steph's finger actually turned blue for about 10 minutes after a particulary strenuous climb. I has to be catious because I has a pretty serious knee injury my second day here which led to multiple infections (staff & strep) and a hospital visit on one rainy morning. My knee is a lot bvetter now after a pretty hefty course of antibiotics (last resort but doctor's orders).

Besides the setback, I did complete a climb that became a very content victory for me, and I also attempted a higher lvele that defeated us beginners. Nevertheless, it was really great to watch the more experienced climbers in their element and i learned quite a lot about the sport.

A few of us stopped in Hamilton for a night out on the return trip. A pub with an "Octoberfest" theme was our primary destination--particuarly cheesy but actually one of my most fun night sinces I've been here.

In terms of plans for the future--tomorrow we are taking a day Rec. trip to Cathedral Cove (a pretty famous beach on Coromandel accessable only by walking or boat). I, of course will be choosing the sea kayaking option. The plan for Sunday is a group run/walk for Save The Children in Thames. Some who have been training are doing the 1/2 marathon or 10km run while others are opting for the 5 or 10k walks.

I'm leaving the Valley in less than 2 weeks now (a week earlier than planned for some extra traveling time). Nothing's set in stone yet but I will be doing both islands before I come home. I'm meeting my new friend Sarah for my last week and possibly renting a car to travel the Banks Peninsula. Her birthday is the day I leave so celebration will be in order the night before.

I can't believe I've hit my half-way mark--it feels like ages ago that i was so apprehensive to get off the plane to come here.

If anyone is interested in postcards, you must email me your adddress.

Okay, signing out for another week or 2. Lots of lvoe and warm hugs for your swiftly approaching winter,


At 7:10 PM , Blogger Jd said...

Any cool bugs? Jd

At 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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